You can pay your tuition in full each semester or be enrolled in a payment plan. You
also have multiple ways to make your payments.
Full Payment
A minimum payment of 20% of total basic charges (tuition, fees, room, meal plan, and
student health insurance, less approved financial aid) is required by the 1st day
of the month that classes begin. (August 1st for Fall Semester and January 1st for
the Spring Semester). The remaining net basic charges must be paid in full by the
1st of the following month. If you do not pay the balance, you will be automatically
enrolled in TCU’s payment plan with associated fees. For Fall ’24, the first bill
will be issued on 7/15/24 and due on 8/01/24. The second bill will be issued on 8/16/24
and due on 9/01/24.
Example: Assuming $29,000 in tuition, fees, room and board, a minimum of $5,800 will
be due by 8/01/24, with the remainder due on 9/01/24.
TCU Payment Plan
Students may opt for a payment plan, or be automatically enrolled in one if they do
not pay the net basic charges in full by September 1st for the Fall semester and February
1st for the Spring semester. Note that payment plans are not available in summer sessions.
Students will be expected to pay 20% of total basic charges by the 1st day of the
month that classes begin and again the following month. They will then be billed for
the remaining net basic charges in three monthly installments over the remainder of
the semester. The enrollment fee for the payment plan is 1.66% of your remaining balance,
not to exceed $100 per semester. The fee will be assessed on the September bill for
the Fall semester and on the February bill for the Spring semester.
Example: Assuming $29,000 in tuition, fees, room and board, you would be expected
to pay $5,800 by 08/01/24 and an additional $5,800 by 09/01/24, and would then be
enrolled in the payment plan. The balance of basic charges plus the $100 Payment Plan
enrollment fee would be paid in 3 monthly installments of $5,833.33 each. These installments
would be due 10/01/24, 11/01/24 and 12/01/24.
Additional TCU Payment Plan Information
The TCU payment plan is an extension of credit by TCU to you. Each payment plan will
not exceed three months. The student will receive a disclosure statement as required
by the federal Truth in Lending Act for each term’s payment plan. The disclosure statement
shows you the amount included in the payment plan and the enrollment fee required
for participation in the plan. These will be added to the other charges due on the
student’s account.
You will receive a disclosure in September for the Fall semester and in February for
the Spring semester. Upon review of the disclosure statement, you may cancel the payment
plan within 10 days of receipt (“Cancellation Period”) by submitting written notice
to the TCU Student Financial Services office. If you cancel the payment plan during
the cancellation period, your account will be credited for the enrollment fee. After
10 days, you may cancel the payment plan by submitting written notice to the TCU Student
Financial Services office, but your account will not be credited for the enrollment
fee. Your cancellation of the payment plan will not release you from your financial
obligation to TCU. If you cancel the payment plan either within the cancellation period
or after the cancellation period, payment in full of the unpaid basic charges for
the semester will be due immediately.
Miscellaneous charges that are not part of basic charges are billed monthly and are
due by the specified due date on the 1st of the month after the charges are billed.
If your bill is not paid by the due date, a financial hold will be placed on your
account. The hold will be removed when your account is in good standing. This hold
will prevent additional charges from being added to your account and future enrollment.
It does not impact your ability to drop classes, use your meal plan, or housing. If
payment for your monthly minimum amount due is received more than 10 days after the
stated due date on your monthly bill, a LATE FEE (1% of the late payment amount or
a minimum of $7.50) will be assessed and charged to your account.
TCU bills on the 11th of each month unless the 11th falls on a weekend or holiday,
then billing would occur the next business day. Bills are ready to view online around
the 12th and payments are due by the 1st of the following month. Billing for the Fall
begins in July while Spring billing begins in December. Summer billing begins in April.
Students must “Grant Access” to view bills online to anyone responsible for paying
their account. Email notifications will be sent around the 12th of each month to the
student and to anyone that the student has designated. Weekends and holidays will
delay the availability of the billing process to the next business day.
Any student who is registered for classes before 7/17/2023 will receive a bill after
5:00 pm that will be due 8/01/2023. Any student who is registered after this date
will receive their first bill on 8/11/2023 and it will be due 9/01/23. Payments may
be made by check, money order, cashier’s check, wire transfer, or credit card. Online
payments can be made by check or credit card. TCU accepts all major credit or debit
cards. If you need to obtain your current balance, call 817-257-7836 or check
The payment plan described herein is only available in the regular Fall and Spring
semesters. All Summer registration charges (tuition, fees, and housing) are due and
payable by the due date specified on the first bill received after Summer registration
Payment Methods
Accordion Student account credit card payments are only accepted online. TCU accepts
American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa. Additional cards accepted are Diners
Club, JCB, China Union, BC Card, and DinaCard. A 2.85% convenience fee will be assessed on all credit/debit card payments.
Please include the student name and TCU ID number.
Preferred payment method for international students:
Texas Christian University has partnered with PayMyTuition for international tuition payments. With PayMyTuition, you can pay your tuition payments
from any bank, in any country in any currency at better than bank exchange rates.
PayMyTuition is fast, simple, and cost effective. This is the only payment method accepted by Texas Christian University for international
How to Make a Payment:
1. Log into your student portal: 2. Select the “Student Account” tile to access your “Current Account Summary” page: 3. Select “Make International Payment” to be redirected to the PayMyTuition portal:
No matter what time zone you are in, you will have a dedicated customer support team
available to you through live chat, email and phone to answer any of your questions
and help you make your payment.
Scholarship payments must be mailed to:
TCU Office of Scholarship & Financial Aid TCU Box 297012 Fort Worth, TX 76129
Please include the student name and TCU ID number.
Checks returned to TCU (including ACH) are charged a $20.00 Returned Check Fee.
Returned checks must be redeemed within 10 days. Cashier’s check, money order, or
credit card payments can be used to redeem the returned check and fee.
If a student has two returned checks posted to their account in one semester, no checks
will be accepted for payment on that account for six months. Any additional returned
checks would result in a permanent check ban.